#SaveThemWithSound is an original and interactive experience focused on raising awareness and generating support for the earth’s dwindling biodiversity. MAAC examines the global issues that threaten our planet’s wildlife, while exploring how musicians can serve as a catalyst for change.
Many of us cannot conceptualize the severity of animal extinction on a broadened scale. It is our belief that bringing these astonishing figures to light will assist in the regrowth of our earth's biodiversity.
MAAC is a wildlife conservation organization that inspires and activates the music community toward healing the planet. Our Ambassadors help expand this mission across the globe.
Our events and campaigns for wildlife are a unique way to generate support and engage like-minded individuals to participate in conservation efforts.
Being prepared to take alternative approaches to conventional conservation allows us to respond faster to urgent threats to wildlife. Learn more here.
MAAC is proud to network with and be supported by many partners. We could not achieve what we do without them.
Through media we are able to fulfill our mission to educate and engage an audience with a passion for wildlife & music
We want to protect endangered species and preserve their natural habitats by supporting entrepreneurial conservationists who pursue innovative strategies for people and wildlife to co-exist and thrive. Learn more about our unique approach to saving wildlife, or learn more about the conservationists we support and how we provide support.